):b Player: XBRSQ Game: notdnethack Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2022-03-22.19:56:14.ttyrec Time: (1647978974) Tue Mar 22 19:56:14 2022 ):bЗnotdNethack, Copyright 2017-2021  Based on NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 by Stichting Mathematisch  Centrum and M. Stephenson. See license for details. ):bWShall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] ):bnChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character  a - an Archeologist A - an Anachrononaut b - a Barbarian B - a Binder c - a Caveman/Cavewoman C - a Convict h - a Healer i - an Illithanachronounbinder k - a Knight m - a Mystic n - a Nobleman/Noblewoman p - a Priest/Priestess P - a Pirate r - a Rogue R - a Ranger s - a Samurai t - a Tourist T - a Troubadour v - a Valkyrie w - a Wizard * - Random q - Quit(end) ):b +):b +Choosing Race Pick the race of your Binder  h - human c - clockwork automaton C - Chiropteran d - dwarf D - Drow e - elf E - etherealoid g - gnome H - Half-dragon i - incantifier o - orc s - salamander S - symbiote v - vampire y - yuki-onna * - Random q - Quit(end) ):bG +):bH Choosing Gender Pick the gender of your automatic Binder  m - male f - female * - Random q - Quit(end) ):ba+):b4 ---------------|.............||.%............|.....d.......||......@.......|.............|-----.---+-----):bXBRSQ the Exile St:8 Dx:11 Co:11 In:9 Wi:8 Ch:8 Gnostic Dlvl:1 $:0 HP: 14(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:1 AC:5 Exp:1The priests tell a story:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled  against the authority of Marduk the Creator.  Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all  the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor,  and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the  Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time. The various gods and heroes of this world struggle mightily to recover the amulet, for the god who reclaims the amulet will be granted ascendance over the other gods of the world. You, a newly empowered Exile, have been heralded from birth as..., well, no one actually heralded your birth. But if someone had, they would have heralded you as a poor peon of your local feudal overlord.):b- You were destined to live and die in the village of your ancestors. All that changed in one night, when you stumbled onto a forbidden secret. Since that night, priests and shopkeepers alike have eyed you with suspicion, while unseen whisperers ceaselessly repeat a litany of names in your ears. Exiled from your village, you seek to claim a new destiny in the depths of The Dungeons of Doom, or die in the attempt. Go bravely with the void!--More--):bA ):b b---------------|.............||.%............|.....d.......||......@.......|.............|-----.---+-----XBRSQ the Exile St:8 Dx:11 Co:11 In:9 Wi:8 Ch:8 Gnostic Dlvl:1 $:0 HP: 14(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:1 AC:5 Exp:1Hello XBRSQ, welcome to notdNetHack! You are a non-aligned female automatic Binder.Press Ctrl^E or type #seal to engrave a seal of binding.--More--):bL#chat to a fresh seal to contact the spirit beyond.Press Ctrl^F or type #power to fire active spirit powers!Use #monster to adjust your clockspeed.--More--):bCYou do not heal naturally. Use '.' to attempt repairs.*:bm *:b\e 0d.*:b0d.*:bH 0.d*:bq # *:b monster*:b? onster*:b0q Choose which attack to use  Attacks c - Adjust Clock(end) *:b&l + Change your clock-speed  To what speed will you set your clock? a - High speed b - Normal speed c - Low speed(end) *:bsCh+*:bDfYou increase your clock to high speed.d.. *:b' Count: 11 *:b  *:b)4K.d@< *:bn@. *:b?d.@. *:b° G.d@.*:b4D;d.@.*:b&@.*:b3 e@.j - a slime mold.d.*:b ;There is nothing here to pick up.*:b*Autopickup: OFF.*:b. Weapons a - a rusty knife (weapon in manipulator) b - a rusty pole cleaver (alternate weapon; not wielded) c - a rusty sickle Armor f - a leather cloak (being worn) Comestibles h - 2 stolen apples j - a slime mold Potions g - 3 bubbly potions Tools i - a key Gems d - 5 rocks (in quiver) e - a flint stone(end) *:b *:b7 # *:bs*:be*:b(v a*:b l*:b^AWhat do you want to draw with? [- a-ei or ?*] *:bP Weapons a - a rusty knife (weapon in manipulator) b - a rusty pole cleaver (alternate weapon; not wielded) c - a rusty sickle Tools i - a key Gems d - 5 rocks (in quiver) e - a flint stone(end) *:bm+You draw in the floor with a rusty knife (weapon in manipulator).--More--*:bo Choose seal:  Known Seals a - Berith, the Red Horseman b - Huginn and Muninn, Thought and Memory c - Mother, who beheld Beauty(end) *:b۴ h+ *:b Your knife gets dull..d...dYou finish drawing.#*:bR# #*:b) c#*:b6 hat$*:b5Talk to whom? (in what direction) $*:bKHTalking to yourself is a bad habit for a dungeoneer.(*:b (*:b[ X.d.@d.**:b# **:b2 c**:bM|hat+*:b5Talk to whom? (in what direction) -*:b-*:bG/You blink.d..*:b^$@..*:b__sThere is a seal of Mother carved here..dd.0*:bg# 0*:bc0*:b1hat1*:b5Talk to whom? (in what direction) 1*:bTFThe gate won't open with you standing on the seal!5*:b6 6*:br5>@d..7*:bJm# 7*:bi c8*:bqhat8*:bx5Talk to whom? (in what direction) 8*:bd,8*:b,^You blink..dd.:*:b&# chat:*:b>You blink.:*:b &# chat:*:bw WYou blink.dd..;*:b/&# chat;*:b/4You blink.d.;*:b$ &# chat;*:bm VYou blink..d.d;*:b &# chat;*:b /You blink.d.<*:b&# chat<*:bXYou blink.d..d<*:b&# chat<*:bzBYou blink..d<*:bR &# chat<*:b{ ZYou blink.d.d.<*:bٟ =# chatYou blink.=*:b&# chat=*:biXYou blink.d.d.=*:bP&# chat=*:b6You blink.=*:b6The little dog bites the fox.=*:bw3The fox is killed!%>*:b&# chat>*:bN>You blink.d.>*:b:The little dog eats a fox corpse.?*:bIB # @*:b tc@*:bBhat@*:bG5Talk to whom? (in what direction) B*:b[D*:b# D*:bcrcD*:b hatE*:bl~5Talk to whom? (in what direction) F*:bG*:b! # H*:bacH*:bMkI*:b˯ I*:b% hatJ*:b5Talk to whom? (in what direction) J*:be You blink.L*:b*.@L*:b3There is a seal of Mother carved here.M*:bb# M*:bc cM*:bC hatN*:b5Talk to whom? (in what direction) N*:b HTalking to yourself is a bad habit for a dungeoneer.P*:bW# P*:bIcP*:bUhatQ*:bR5Talk to whom? (in what direction) Q*:b FThe gate won't open with you standing on the seal!V*:b# V*:b) monsterW*:bE onsterW*:b Choose which attack to use  Attacks c - Adjust Clock(end) X*:b? + Change your clock-speed  To what speed will you set your clock? a - High speed b - Normal speed c - Low speed(end) Z*:b h+Z*:b# 2You decrease your clock to low speed.\*:b#.@\*:b:d..@\*:b5 I..@.d\*:b G.@d..]*:bo3@...@.d]*:b Jd..@.]*:b9...d@]*:bWo E..@d.]*:bP" N..d@.]*:b<..d..@^*:b...@d^*:bC^*:bEYou displaced your little dog.d.@#.#.^*:b*..d@#.#.......^*:b ..#@#.#d#........^*:b .##@#.##d#.........^*:b@.##@#.##d`...._*:b`.#d@#.###.....`*:b...####@#...#####..`*:b.....########@#.....##########`*:bG#d#d*:bd*:bljYou displaced your little dog.##@####de*:bL##@d####h*:b&h..............##@dj*:bvj*:bwYou displaced your little dog...#####@dYou hear some noises.j*:b: j*:bJ<You displaced your little dog..###d@#dj*:b<The jackal bites! 13(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1##dj*:b=dThe jackal misses the little dog.The little dog misses the jackal.l*:bLv l*:bvYou displaced your little dog..###d@l*:bxThe jackal misses the little dog.The little dog bites the jackal.The little dog bites the jackal.--More--m*:bD`The jackal misses the little dog.The little dog misses the jackal.n*:bv s..........@##o*:bi..........#@dThe jackal bites the little dog.o*:bAlcThe little dog misses the jackal.The little dog bites the jackal.o*:byl?The jackal is killed!o--More--p*:b.The little dog misses the goblin.p*:b p*:b You miss the goblin.The little dog misses the goblin.The goblin hits the little dog.The little dog bites the goblin.p*:b 3The little dog misses the goblin.p*:b< p*:b< !You miss the goblin.p*:b< 2The little dog misses the goblin.p*:b< cThe goblin misses the little dog.The little dog bites the goblin.p*:bz= iThe goblin is killed!#d--More--q*:b 1The little dog eats a goblin corpse.r*:b r*:b7You displaced your little dog..................###d@..#....................--------r*:bAYou see here a small skull cap.ds*:bp.You miss the jackal.s*:bq~The jackal bites! 11(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1s*:b5s~The jackal bites! 10(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1s*:b4 .You miss the jackal.s*:by5 The jackal misses.The jackal bites! 9(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1t*:b0 .You miss the jackal.t*:bh The jackal bites! 8(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1#The jackal misses.du*:b`.You miss the jackal.u*:bRbThe jackal bites! 7(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1#du*:beQThe jackal misses.d#u*:bR u*:bYou miss the jackal.The jackal bites! 6(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1##u*:bG}The jackal bites! 5(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1v*:b].You miss the jackal.v*:b^The jackal just misses!dThe jackal misses.d#w*:ba-You hit the jackal.w*:baThe jackal just misses!d#The jackal misses.#dw*:b#.You miss the jackal.w*:bThe jackal bites! 3(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1dThe jackal misses.d#w*:b .You miss the jackal.w*:b? 7The jackal bites! 2(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1d#The jackal bites! 0(14)  Pw: 8(8)  Br:3 AC:5 Exp:1--More--x*:b You die...x*:b : 0(14)  Pw: 8(8)x*:b --More--y*:bFDo you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) y*:by Weapons a - a rusty -2 knife (weapon in manipulator) b - a rusty +0 voulge (alternate weapon; not wielded) c - a rusty +0 sickle Armor f - an uncursed +0 leather cloak (being worn) Comestibles h - 2 stolen uncursed apples j - an uncursed slime mold Potions g - 3 uncursed potions of oil Tools i - a blessed skeleton key Gems d - 5 uncursed rocks (in quiver) e - an uncursed flint stone(end) |*:bS Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (n) |*:by Final Attributes:  You had sinned. You could bind to 1 more spirit. You were petrification resistant. You were poison resistant. You were immune to sickness. You had a drunkard score of 0. You had a carrying capacity of 282 remaining. You had 805 points of nutrition remaining. You could survive without air. You were set to low clockspeed. You are dead.--More--*:bPH*:bHGDo you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynq] (n) *:b y Vanquished creatures:  a jackal a fox a goblin  3 creatures vanquished.--More--*:b Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (n) *:by Voluntary challenges:  You went without food. You were an atheist. You were a pacifist. You were illiterate. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item. You never magically identified an item.--More--*:b**:b+ ----------  / \  / REST \  / IN \  / PEACE \  / \  | XBRSQ |  | 0 Au |  | killed by a |  | jackal |  | |  | |  | 2022 |  *| * * * | *  _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Goodbye XBRSQ the Binder... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 1 with 0 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 118 moves. You were level 1 with a maximum of 14 hit points when you died. --More--*:b   *:b@  *:b3 No Points Name Hp [max] 1 8848642 porkmantwo-Pri-Inc-Fem-Cha ascended to demigoddess-hood. 3737 [3737] 2 8624971 porkmantwo-Acu-Inc-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 2238 [2288] 3 5769571 porkman-Acu-Inc-Mal-Law was poisoned in The Spire on level -5 [max 47]. Poisoned by a filth-crusted arrow (with the Amulet). 3587 [3632]  0 XBRSQ-Bin-Clk-Fem-Non died in The Dungeons of Doom on   level 1. Killed by a jackal. - [14]