':b  Player: XBRSQ Game: notdnethack Server: $ATTR(14)em.slashem.me - https://em.slashem.me/$ATTR() Filename: 2022-03-22.19:48:07.ttyrec Time: (1647978487) Tue Mar 22 19:48:07 2022 ':b'notdNethack, Copyright 2017-2021  Based on NetHack, Copyright 1985-2003 by Stichting Mathematisch  Centrum and M. Stephenson. See license for details. ':bMxWShall I pick a character's race, role, gender and alignment for you? [ynq] ':b0nChoosing Character's Role Pick a role for your character  a - an Archeologist A - an Anachrononaut b - a Barbarian B - a Binder c - a Caveman/Cavewoman C - a Convict h - a Healer i - an Illithanachronounbinder k - a Knight m - a Mystic n - a Nobleman/Noblewoman p - a Priest/Priestess P - a Pirate r - a Rogue R - a Ranger s - a Samurai t - a Tourist T - a Troubadour v - a Valkyrie w - a Wizard * - Random q - Quit(end) (:bi +(:b Choosing Race Pick the race of your Anachrononaut  h - human c - clockwork automaton d - dwarf D - Drow e - elf H - Half-dragon i - incantifier s - salamander v - vampire * - Random q - Quit(end) (:bF +(:b Choosing Gender Pick the gender of your Half-dragon Anachrononaut  m - male f - female * - Random q - Quit(end) (:b 9+Choosing Alignment Pick the alignment of your female Half-dragon Anachrononaut  n - neutral c - chaotic * - Random q - Quit(end) (:bqa+(:b_~ ----------------+..............||..............||$............@|+..............|-------------.--(:b XBRSQ the Survivor St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral Dlvl:1 $:0 HP: 15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:1 AC:-3 Exp:1Once, there was a story:  After the Creation, the cruel god Moloch rebelled  against the authority of Marduk the Creator.  Moloch stole from Marduk the most powerful of all  the artifacts of the gods, the Amulet of Yendor,  and he hid it in the dark cavities of Gehennom, the  Under World, where he now lurks, and bides his time. The various gods and heroes of the world struggled mightily to recover the amulet, for the god who reclaimed the amulet would be granted ascendance over the other gods of the world. Eventually, one such hero recovered the amulet and bore it up the the Astral Plane in the name of their god. The hero was rewarded by their ascendent deity with demi-godhood and immortality.--(:b& More-- (:b That time is long past. The ascendance and immortality of the gods proved a lie, for heaven now lies in ruins, trampled into the bloody soil of earth by the cursed mind flayers. You, a newly trained Survivor, have been trained from birth as the instrument of hope in a dying world. One day soon, when your sister, the Last Oracle Sara, deems you ready and the Army of the Bastion has completed its secret preparations, you shall- *ALERT: Picket line reports contact. Hostile entities vectoring on Last Bastion. Picket line engaging targets* <> --More--(:b. G**EMERGENCY ALERT: Picket line overrun. Telemetry suggests 100% losses. Hostile entitites vectoring on Last Bastion.** <> --More--%(:b 6<>--More--&(:bg &(:bT ----------------+..............||..............||$............@|+..............|-------------.--&(:bԉ XBRSQ the Survivor St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral Dlvl:1 $:0 HP: 15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:1 AC:-3 Exp:1Hello XBRSQ, welcome to notdNetHack! You are a neutral female Half-dragon Anachrononaut.((:bj Weapons a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (weapon in claws) b - 100 +3 shotgun shells (in quiver) c - 30 +2 healing grenades d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (alternate weapon; not wielded) Armor e - an uncursed +0 force armor (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 bronze helmet (being worn) g - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of gauntlets (being worn) h - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of armored boots (being worn) i - an uncursed +1 bronze cloak of protection (being worn) Comestibles l - 12 uncursed protein pills Tools j - an uncursed bullet fabber k - 5 uncursed power packs(end) 2(:b2(:b64(:b2 Count: 445(:buCount: 4445(:b 6(:b  Set what options?   Booleans (selecting will toggle value):  dnethack_start_text [true]  legacy [true]  news [true]  a - autodig [false]  b - autoopen [true]  c - autopickup [true]  d - autoquiver [false]  e - botl_updates [true]  f - bones [true]  g - checkpoint [true]  h - cmdassist [true]  i - color [true]  j - cursesgraphics [true]  k - DECgraphics [false]  l - eight_bit_tty [false]  m - extmenu [false]  n - fixinv [true]  o - help [true]  p - hilite_pet [true]  q - hilite_peaceful [true]  r - hilite_zombie [true]  s - zombies_as_Z [false]  t - hilite_detected [true]  u - use_inverse [false]  v - hilite_hidden_stairs [true]  w - hilite_obj_piles [false]  x - role_obj_names [true]  y - obs6(:b& cure_role_obj_names [false]  z - dnethack_dungeon_colors [true]  A - hitpointbar [false]  B - hp_notify [false]  C - IBMgraphics [false]  D - ignintr [false]  E - item_use_menu [true]  F - lit_corridor [true]  G - lootabc [false]  H - mail [true]  I - menucolors [false] (1 of 3)<(:b+E(:b!+H(:bE a - menu_glyphs [false]  b - msg_wall_hits [false]  c - null [true]  d - old_C_behaviour [false]  e - paranoid_hit [false]  f - paranoid_quit [false]  g - paranoid_remove [false]  h - perm_invent [false]  i - pickup_thrown [false]  j - prayconfirm [true]  k - pushweapon [false]  l - quiver_fired [true]  m - qwertz_movement [false]  n - rest_on_space [false]  o - safe_pet [true]  p - showborn [false]  q - showbuc [false]  r - showexp [false]  s - show_obj_sym [true]  t - showrace [false]  u - showrealtime [false]  v - showscore [false]  w - show_shop_prices [true]  x - silent [true]  y - sortpack [true]  z - sound [true]  A - sparkle [true]  B - standout [false]  C - statuscolors [true]  D - time [false]  E - tiH(:b}med_delay [true]  F - tombstone [true]  G - toptenwin [false]  H - travel [true]  I - UTF8graphics [false]  J - use_inverse [false]  K - win_edge [false]  L - verbose [true]  M - vt_tiledata [false]   Compounds (selecting will prompt for new value): (2 of 3)J(:b   name [XBRSQ]  role [Anachrononaut]  race [Half-dragon]  gender [female]  align [neutral]  altkeyhandler [unknown]  catname [(none)]  dogname [(none)]  dumpfile [/dgldir/userdata/%n/notdnethack/dumplog/%t]  horsename [(none)]  msghistory [20]  pettype [random]  ratname [(none)]  windowtype [tty]  a - attack_mode [chat]  b - boulder [`]  c - disclose [ni na nv ng nc]  d - fruit [slime mold]  e - hp_notify_fmt [[HP%c%a=%h]]  f - menustyle [full]  g - menu_headings [inverse]  h - msg_window [single]  i - number_pad [0=off]  j - packorder [$")[%?+!=/(*`0_]  k - pickup_burden [stressJ(:b ed]  l - pickup_types [all]  m - runmode [run]  n - scores [3 top/0 around]  o - sortloot [none]  p - suppress_alert [(none)]  q - autopickup exceptions (0 currently set) (3 of 3)L(:b*" +M(:b Select number_pad mode:  a - 0 (off) b - 1 (on) c - 2 (on, DOS compatible)(end) O(:bn[V+O(:b<\[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral Dlvl:1 $:0 HP: 15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:1 AC:-3 Exp:1----------------+..............||..............||$............@|+..............|-------------.--Q(:b'@....<Q(:b h@........ dd Q(:bm#28 gold pieces.[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral 28 15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1d  dR(:bZ ;There is nothing here to pick up.T(:b7g. @dd U(:bXAutopickup: OFF.V(:b3^ V(:bp_YThe door resists!d d W(:b` W(:bVThe door opens. d dW(:b; W(:b> ?You begin bashing monsters with your auto shotgun.W(:bEC jYou miss the jackal. dThe jackal bites!W(:bpD [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal is thrown back by your armor's forcefield![XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1d- dZ(:bm Weapons a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (weapon in claws) b - 100 +3 shotgun shells (in quiver) c - 30 +2 healing grenades d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (alternate weapon; not wielded) Armor e - an uncursed +0 force armor (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 bronze helmet (being worn) g - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of gauntlets (being worn) h - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of armored boots (being worn) i - an uncursed +1 bronze cloak of protection (being worn) Comestibles l - 12 uncursed protein pills Tools j - an uncursed bullet fabber k - 5 uncursed power packs(end) _(:bq _(:b `(:b )d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (weapon in claw).a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (alternate weapon; not wielded).a(:b+ .d@.# da(:b, The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1c(:b c(:bkGYou begin bashing monsters with your cutting laser (0:86).c(:b%GYou hit the jackal.d c(:bI'KThe jackal just misses!d c(:b([XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1d(:bÒ Weapons a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (alternate weapon; not wielded) b - 100 +3 shotgun shells (in quiver) c - 30 +2 healing grenades d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (weapon in claw) Armor e - an uncursed +0 force armor (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 bronze helmet (being worn) g - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of gauntlets (being worn) h - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of armored boots (being worn) i - an uncursed +1 bronze cloak of protection (being worn) Comestibles l - 12 uncursed protein pills Tools j - an uncursed bullet fabber k - 5 uncursed power packs(end) f(:bze f(:bf g(:b8d.#d@#d i(:bjw d-d@d  i(:bHkKThe jackal misses.d di(:b@ v d d.d@#j(:b D #-d.d@j(:b The jackal misses.j(:b a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (weapon in claws).d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (alternate weapon; not wielded).l(:bu&In what direction? m(:bXm(:b(You shoot 2 shotgun shells.m(:b7The 1st shotgun shell hits the jackal!m(:bMYou kill the jackal!%[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1)m(:b)%m(:bh@.The 2nd shotgun shell hits the jackal!m(:bfiYou kill the jackal![XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1.q(:bxCWhat do you want to use or apply? [$acjk or ?*] r(:b Weapons a - a +3 auto shotgun (auto) (weapon in claws) c - 30 +2 healing grenades Tools j - an uncursed bullet fabber k - 5 uncursed power packs(end) s(:ba,a+s(:bs(:b5[You switch your auto shotgun to semi-automatic mode. du(:b CWhat do you want to use or apply? [$acjk or ?*] u(:b! u(:b [You switch your auto shotgun to full automatic mode.d v(:bu CWhat do you want to use or apply? [$acjk or ?*] v(:b v(:b ZYou switch your auto shotgun to semi-automatic mode.dx(:b;6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] y(:b1Never mind.z(:bL$@.z(:bDYou see here a jackal corpse. dz(:b 6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] |(:bF0You don't have that object.--More--|(:b@0What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] }(:b0You don't have that object.--More--}(:b_^0What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] ~(:b]Never mind.(:b.m - a jackal corpse.(:bE-You rebalance your load. Movement is difficult.[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1 Stressed d (:bT 6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] (:bSThe corpse smells foul and unfamiliar to you. Eat it anyway? [yn] (n) (:b_ ,yYou cannot eat that!(:bL 6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] (:b0You don't have that object.--More--(:b0What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] (:b ,l - 12 uncursed protein pills.--More--(:b6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] (:bNever mind.(:bה:What do you want to drop? [$a-m or ?*] (:b/? Weapons a - a +3 auto shotgun (single) (weapon in claws) b - 98 +3 shotgun shells (in quiver) c - 30 +2 healing grenades d - a +0 cutting laser (0:86) (alternate weapon; not wielded) Armor e - an uncursed +0 force armor (being worn) f - an uncursed +0 bronze helmet (being worn) g - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of gauntlets (being worn) h - an uncursed +0 bronze pair of armored boots (being worn) i - an uncursed +1 bronze cloak of protection (being worn) Comestibles l - 12 uncursed protein pills m - a jackal corpse Tools j - an uncursed bullet fabber k - 5 uncursed power packs(end) (:b{+(:b |&You drop a jackal corpse.(:be~Your movements are now unencumbered.[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1 (:bHCWhat do you want to use or apply? [$acjk or ?*] (:b?What do you want to feed to the fabber? [b or ?*] (:b@ 3b - 98 +3 shotgun shells (in quiver).--More--(:bEWhat do you want to feed to the fabber? [b or ?*] (:bv(:bwNever mind.(:bd-@%(:b88 d@.(:bŠ kd .#@.#(:bF ........................................#-.............#@##(:bR p###@dd(:b@You begin bashing monsters with your auto shotgun.(:bJYou hit the jackal. d(:bThe jackal misses.dd The jackal misses. d(:bB(:b40You kill the jackal![XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1# d d(:b###@d d(:b dYou miss the jackal.d The jackal bites!(:b [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal is thrown back by your armor's forcefield![XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1#d(:bn # (:b t(:bfe(:be c(:bh(:bb  (:bѱ (:bKe (:b (:bQpray(:b # (:bM](:b(##@d..d.>.|.d ---(:b([XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b(:biYou hit the jackal. dd.The jackal bites!(:bS[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal is thrown back by your armor's forcefield![XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:bv(:bYou miss the jackal. dd.[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:bk(:bk3You hit the jackal. dd(:blThe jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b(:bYou kill the jackal!%[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses..d[XBRSQ the Survi vor] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  13(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1d.(:b (:b You kill the jackal![XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1.>d(:b e[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1#-----#-..@|d|..-(:b} '[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1#d..@|-(:b.| !You hit the jackal.(:bt| $The jackal misses.(:b,} [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1The jackal misses.[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b (:b You kill the jackal![XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1%(:b ,.@(:b4 [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol.[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:bl[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1@.(:b-R-------|...@..||......||.......--------[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral Dlvl:2 $:28 HP: 14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b----------------+..............||..............||.............<|#-..%...........|#-------------.--####-----#-.%..%|.@.||...|-----[XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral Dlvl:1 $:28 HP: 14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b [XBRSQ the Surviv or] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  14(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1(:b[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1@>(:br #@.(:b7y##@-....(:b`##@##########...(:b+###@########-(:b---------|...........-#@##`#######(:b ......##+.......@|.......#|..`..r-+---(:bnoy.|#@#r|#...|---(:bl8-#@-##|-The sewer rat misses.(:b/ (:by You kill the sewer rat![XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1%(:bi*.@(:bi-You see here a sewer rat corpse.(:b3%@(:b$@.(:b @.(:b @.(:b/@.(:b0-You see here a statue of a newt.(:b6What do you want to eat? [l or ?*] (:b۸3This protein pill is delicious!(:bYou're having a hard time getting all of it down.[XBRSQ the Survivor ] St:15 Dx:10 Co:13 In:16 Wi:10 Ch:11 Neutral  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1 Satiated (:b5 `@(:b .@(:bir....@###(:bmB ...............|@(:b&.................`@######(:b\B]##@##(:b ###########@#You hear the footsteps of a guard on patrol.##@#(:b_ ##@#.............+----(:be##-@-................|..........-----------(:b ##--------.---|......@..|....||..|(:b}Really save? [yn] (n) (:bZn(:bC|# (:b quit(:b*Really quit? [yn] (n) (:bH y[XBRSQ the Survivor  15(15)  Pw: 15(15)  Br:4 AC:-3 Exp:1 Satiated(:b ADo you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (n) (:bľq(:b: (:b? (:bR